However, not all reduplicative processes in ideophones are clearly iconic. ^^ I guess they are technically ideophones or something.Cross-linguistically, reduplication associated with iconic readings, such as plurality, iteration, and continuation, is prevalent in ideophones. I realize that some of the I have words are not onomatopeoia (because they describe actions/textures/shapes instead of sounds), but came up with them anyway, especially since '빤짝빤짝' (or 반짝반짝) was already on the list.

미끌미끌 - slippery texture, slippery-smooth. Think of the way penguins and ducks/geese walk on land.

뒤뚱뒤뚱- to walk or move about in a way that looks either comical, about-to-fall-down, or unbalanced. 사르륵- sound of soft and light action? - ex)In regards to ice cream, cream puffs, etc: 입안에서 사르륵 녹아요. 훌쩍 - some sort of big and smooth action(?) 콱- a sound for sudden and strong movement. 뽀글 can also be used to describe severely curly hair. Dictionary suggests 'trudging' or 'plodding along'. 반짝반짝 shiny/sparkle - (used for 'twinkle twinkle little star') 따끈따끈 - very warm (in a positive way), such as fresh hot bread, hot tea/soup, hot springs, warmly heated room/floor. 뒤 뚱뒤뚱- to walk or move about in a way that looks either comical, about-to-fall-down, or unbalanced. 보들보들- soft and cuddly, such as the texture of a towel

To jump over something gracefully/effortlessly/completely 깨갱 깨갱- sound made by a dog in pain/distress 사 르륵- sound of soft and light action? - ex)In regards to ice cream, cream puffs, etc: 입안에서 사르륵 녹아요. 콱- a sound for sudden and strong movement. 따르릉 따르릉- old-style telephone ringing, bicycle bells, alarm clock ringing. 쩝쩝- smacking lips sound in appreciation of food 쿵짝쿵짝- music (especially for trot-style music) 쿵쾅쿵쾅- sound of loud/heavy footsteps or other rhythmic sounds of a heavy object

질퍽질퍽, 질척질척- squelching sounds and negative stickiness of mud or walking in the mud. 번쩍 flash, flashy (used for flash of lightning) 뽀뽀 - a kiss (not sure if this is actually onomatopoeic) 개굴개굴 - the sound a frog makes (ribbit, croak, etc.) 훨훨 - the sound a butterfly's wings make as it's flying ("flutter flutter") 후두두 - large drops falling the sound of sprinkling something 흑 - a sharp intake of breath, like when someone is sobbing (or trying not to while speaking) I think I hear Amanda clawing at her keyboard waiting to kill me.